Sevillian said...

something in it...

Nadja said...

If I didn't think so...
Another missed comment...
My chaotic remnant of brain told
me to check the pages.
Thank you Sevillian!

Nadja said...

I should have asked...
What Sevillian?
What? What in it?
Hope I don't regret it...

Sevillian said...

*something* that moves me. just that :)

and by the way... model no 4 is very... cool... :)

Nadja said...

No 4...
You're not scared easily...
Or, you like it, to be scared. maybe.
I think the tail is kind a cool.

Nadja said...

Cool is such a great word!
You can really use it where
everything else fails................

Nadja said...

Thanks anyway, Sevillian!

Sevillian said...

i'm not scared easily, that's the fact :)
as for the tail... hmm... from the first view i'd prefer not to see it, but after few *looks* it kind of... fits :))
and 'cool' is yeah... a cool word... :))

Sevillian said...

oh... i just noticed that you like 'washed out'...
COOL... :)

Nadja said...

I was very lucky that my horns did
not show in the photo...

Nadja said...

Like it?
I love it!
It's bringing me in this
weird trance...
I am so crazy...
When I like a song I keep listening
to it over and over and over..

Nadja said...

And yes, it sounds best very loud!
I'm not only melting myself
but my neighbours too...

Nadja said...

I've been looking for the lyrics...
No luck.
Do you happen to have them by
any chance?

Sevillian said...

unfortunately not. can't find them either on the net.
as for the horns... i can see them... ;))

Nadja said...

You're warned for the second time than..
Need a third?

Nadja said...

.I'll do my best...
No garantees...

Nadja said...

You didn't have to become THAT scared!
I stopped drinking blood and eating children (and grown up men, for that matter) some years ago!

Sevillian said...

yeah... on your last pics you look like you would need some fresh flesh and blood.... :))

Nadja said...

I'm craving like hell!
But I'm hard...
As long as I can take it anyway...

Nadja said...

I guess it's obvious how hard I am...
Looking like that.
and still walking around!
Against all odds, I might add.

Sevillian said...

though from the "model" cycle i like some of the pics more and some less, i must admit that when you publish more and more pictures, the whole cycle gets stronger and stronger...

Nadja said...

Thanks Sevillian!
I'm a bit frustrated, because I didn't presented them more in sets.
Like the last 4 now, the fit well together.
It's a bit a mess.
I understand, yes, you don't like them all...
Kind of hard for the eyes sometimes. What can I say...
I'm not exactly a romantic soul... :-)))
I don't mind kicking some ass, either!
Some people don't know what to think or say.

Sevillian said...

what a difference! i already became addicted... :)

Nadja said...

Oké you...!
Difference good or difference bad?
If you like, I can keep feeding the addiction for a loooong while...!

Nadja said...

I hate riddles!
But thanks anyway Sevillian, I guess.

Sevillian said...

difference... different... :))
yeah... if you could feed my addiction a bit more it would be nice... :)

Nadja said...

You are such a Grmlgrmlgrrr...
teaser, to stay nice. "-P
I'm thinking about the addiction part...
I'm sure your mom told you, once, it's not nice to be addicted. I can testify for that too. Big time! Also, should I be flattered or offended... ?
You are such a ... Hmm... I don't know... "-//
XXX anyway! :-P