UNHEIMLICHKEIT. My version of two 1950's Beksinski photographs. (Assignment.) 


Leovi said...

They are really good and exquisite technique, Extra overwhelming.

Nadja said...

Thank you!
I worked a lot of houres on them.
A whole lot. :-)

Wout said...

Prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig Nieuwjaar gewenst.
Groet vanuit Spanje, Wout

Nadja said...

Hartelijk dank!
Tenminste, ik hoop dat u 'apart' een beetje positief bedoelt en dat ik u niet de kriebels bezorgd heb.
Ik ben een lief en positief persoon hoor! "-)
Voor u ook de beste wensen in het fantastisch mooie Spanje! In elk geval, uw foto's ervan zijn top- klasse! Echt fantastisch werk.
Ik kijk ernaar met ontzag.

Nano said...

These latest photos in b & w I find interesting.

Nano said...

Happy Holidays

Nadja said...

Thank you very much!
This is for an assignment for evening-school photography.
We had to copy a photograph from a well known photographer.
Thank you very much for your visit and comments!
Happy Holidays for you too!

Sehraeuber said...

I like the whole series, creative and very strong works.
Happy New Year 2011.

Nadja said...

Thank you very much!
Not so funny as your blog though. "-)
And my best wishes for the new year!
Wish you a lot of photogaphy- fun so that we can enjoy that too!

Sevillian said...

i knew his son. in fact i am who i am thanks to him. kind of.

Nadja said...

I'm sorry for you.
I mean, you know...
I read about his dead. No details.
I only recently heard from on of my Polish Picasa friends that he was
a great music journalist.
And, translator?
Monty Python in Polish must be really cool...
I made a school assignment about Beksinski.
Discussing his work. But There is little information to find in English. And my Polish is so bad...
I really really love his work!
And was so happy to see that he did digital work
still in the 90's and years 2000 even!
I cried when I read what happened with him. 17 stab wounds...
I felt a lot of sympathy for the man just from seeing his work.
Seems like tragedy runs in the Beksinki family.

Sevillian said...

yeah, this is a long story Nadja. this guy, i mean, the son, is a kind of a cult person in Poland. just like his father. but the reasons are different. old man because of the paintings mostly, and son because of his great taste in music and radio programmes during which he presented it with his unique voice and a special way (or performance better said). a lot of people owe him a lot really. i am among them. i wouldn't be the same person today without the guy. i went to his funeral after he commited suicide. it was horrible and sad experience.

there are few sites about Tomek. unfortunately they are only in polish i think, but you can check for examples few interesting pictures of him. eg. here: http://www.nosferatu.art.pl/
(click galeria on the left menu)

Nadja said...

Sevillian, thank you so much for
the explanation and the links!
It's a great and strangest thing.
I'm going to study the site
some more. And Google this man.
He must have touched many people.
My friend on Picasa,
also named Tomek, was very enthousiastic about him also.
With such a father, he had to be special I guess.
Oh, and I am going to check out the old account pictures on your blog again.