Nadja said...

The song says it.
This corrosion.
Both subjects know about it.
Mirror and crazy old girl.


7 April 2011 21:01

Nadja said...

But of course...
The song could be back because...
The singer is so
G.d Damned sexy too...

all ways 11 o'clock said...

you should be very pleased with this photograph Nadja!!!

Nadja said...

Well, I am pleased with it Robert!
It almost looks sexy...
How lucky can a photographer get?
And the mirror is nicely decayed, also.
:-)) Thank you Robert!

Anonymous said...

reminds of a puzzle.

Nadja said...

I'm puzzled very often, anyway.

Thank you Athens!
I didn't see it like that yet.
I saw it more like...
Cracks in dryed soil.
But, I'm not yet dryed out though!


Nadja said...

Athens, yes...
Your analysis is much better!