These nude photos are the last in a long series.
When we got the nude- photography assignment in evening school,
I started thinking about my life long fear of cameras.
How could I ask people to go nude for me,
if I myself did not even dare to have my face photographed. ...
So I started a series of self portraits.
Facing my fears, while doing so.
I assure you, real fears. Trembling and shaking- fears.
And when this photos could be seen as a victory over myself,
now they only raise a lot of questions.
I did not think enough about how they will be seen by other people!
And the warning I got on P.....,
about the photos could be offencive for some people,
gave me a whole different kind of shame!
It's not about the ugly skinny body anymore. ...
But about my body, my bare skin, being offencive.
But! Where to draw the line?
When am I at risk of being sexual explicit, and/or offencive?
To be continued. ...  Possibly. ....


Paco Tamayo Pino said...

Nudity is not offensive.
Small minds are offensive.
We can put photos on blogs violence (deaths and attacks) and do not see the orange button!
It's crazy.

Nadja said...

Yes Paco!
That's why these morality knights
make me so angry!
Nude mutilated bodies...
Violence against women... !!!
All this shit we see daily on television!
In prime time!
Our children get confronted with it!
But oh my god if they see a nipple or a pussy
of a living woman. ...
Thank you Paco!
I am very happy to have friends
with BIG minds! :-))