

Sevillian said...

garden... the quotation this time definitely would be too easy... :)
so i just say... the title very nicely fits the image...

Nadja said...

Oké, Sevillian...
I promise:
I called this image
'Garden of shame'.
I wrote that on Picasa with the first, much too soft version.
That was the end of may.
Just after the visit from the morality knight.
It was one of the first I made.
And the second version,
I called it 'Garden'.
That was on 4th of june.
You can see my comment on Picasa
if you click on the photo here.
I swear... I didn't have a clue....

I didn't try to confuse you because of two 'garden' Cure songs! !!!
I just looked it up.
(I tried to stay away from titles that made a psychoanalyst totally unneeded.
I'm not so sure that this helped.
Not sure, at all!) "-//


Sevillian said...

No help needed Nadja. Picture speaks for itself..

Nadja said...

It would only fair that you put
down a Cure verse. ...!

Nadja said...

It would only BE fair that you put
down a Cure verse. ...!

Just to be sure you understand!

Nadja said...

Actually Sevillian...
I think we are in two different gardens here.
You in the one Cure song,
and me in the other. ...
I just remembered,
international, written humour is
a very difficult dicipline...
Even when you are a...
top- comedian, like me.
Sorry Sevillian!
Have a great day!

Sevillian said...

yeah... :)

and what would you say for something like this...?

I will walk with my hands bound
I will walk with my face blood
I will walk with my shadow flag
Into your garden
I will walk with my hands bound
I will walk into your garden, garden of stone...

Sevillian said...

btw written humour is very fine i think. question is if everybody catch the sense of it... :))

Nadja said...

Very funny Sevillian...
Pearl Jam...
I like the song.
And what's funniest:
I have a stone garden.
Bottom and very high walls
at every side.
Very very small stone garden...
But, I'm very happy to have it.
At least I can see the sky.

Wout said...

Je hebt steeds meer je draai gevonden in deze vorm van fotografie. De foto’s hierboven van Linda lijken erg op jouw fotografie en ze zijn eveneens erg goed.
Groet uit een snikheet Spanje, Wout

Nadja said...

Hallo Wout!
Die foto's van Linda heb ik ook
gemaakt hoor!
Al een tijdje geleden.
En ik heb ze nu bewerkt
uit verveling.
Morgen gaat het hier ook
snikheet zijn. Morgen doen we ook
de geplande sessie met Linda.
Vandaag was het nog voornamelijk
bewolkt. En ik heb veel licht nodig
om in een oud gebouw te kunnen
Ik sta op springen van ongeduld!!!
Zorg dat je niet smelt he Wout!
Keep it cool! :-))
Hartelijk dank Wout!
Dikke warme XXX !