temporal rooms said...

this is so intimate.


Nadja said...

I made the photos especially to combine them with these self portraits.
And I made the self portraits to combine them with photos like these.
I thought with the 'curtain of strings', it would combine very nice.
Intimate, yes, I think the combination of the pose, so close-up, and the tree and curtain does that.
Thank you very much, Robert!
Big warm XXX!

Michael Rowland said...

Very interesting series, a blending of images and imagination,,,M

Nadja said...

Yes, I love that.
I can do what I did with painting and drawing this way.
Only better. :-))
Thank you very much, Michael!

erin said...

the body, the window (it seems), the reflection, the tree: what the hell are we, nadja? while sensual, i can't help but want to smash my head to get to the essence, you understand? WHAT are we?

great work.


Nadja said...

Well, Erin, if you ask me, I'm afraid the answer won't be too optimistic.
Who are we, an accident in the univers, I think.
Just some pieces of...
Who like to think of themselves so highly.
While I think that most of us could be much, much better humans.
If we really tried.
Thank you very much, Erin!

Pierre BOYER said...



Nadja said...

Thank you so much, Pierre!

Anonymous said...

wow super...