Nadja said...

I am so frustrated that I don't have new work.
I'm working on it!
Try to make a nice new set up for a new model series.
But it's harder than I thought it would be to make it really nice.
And... it's still cold on my attic where I want to do it, since it will be nudes again. ...

temporal rooms said...

nadja! i missed this one. sorry!
soon nadja.
wait wait and be patient. i know
i will shut up now.

Nadja said...

No problem, Robert.
You would have seen it sooner or later, my friend.
But always glad to see you of course!
Yes, I must be patient.
Also because I want to do it right.
No half work! Or so I hope...
I try to be prepared for the most obvious problems of working on my attic. Haha...
MUST work out!
I dream of the new model photos already.
Thanks, Robert.
Big XXX!