Testing the Canon 5D Mark II...


Nadja said...

No, dear people, I'm not dead, or sick, or anything like that.
On the contrary, I'm feeling great!
It's been a while since I placed new photos, yes.
First I had no models, and now... I still don't have an appointment with a model...
But...! I need some time, to practise with the new camera I bought last saturday.
A new second hand camera, mind you...!
The fantastic Canon 5D Mark II, that I bought from this really friendly photographer for a real good price. Only 4125 photos were made with it.
It's a full frame camera. It has all kinds of advantages. But, the most important to me is the much higher ISO. So that I can work without the flash more often! And, that my 50mm lens now really is a 50mm lens, instead of 80mm on the 'crop'- camera. This gives me some more 'space', too, like on my small attic, or other rooms.
But, I think I'm almost ready for a model now!
Ladies... You will find a mail from me in your inbox one of these days!

Nadja said...

Oh! I made this one with ISO 3200, F9, 1/100.
And this at 17-30 hrs on my attic, which only has small roof chapel windows.
Only extra light: the two 100 watt spotlights that I have.
So, If I want to, I can photograph my models without the flash.
And I can still go to ISO 6400, too.
Some will say you get too much 'noise'.
But, who cares... as long as it's beautiful 'noise'....

CLICK CLICK... said...

Excellent still take! Like the light a lot...

Nadja said...

Thank you very much, CLICK CLICK!
I am so excited about the new camera!
Can't wait to work with the models again!
But, even for other photos, it's a great new motivation since I have much more possibilities now.

Unknown said...

very good i love it

Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Lila!
Just let me know when you would come in the neighbourhood here, one day, oke?

Ramon Pruneda said...

I love this picture. It has a feeling of great strength and conveys tension. Great picture. I send you my version, I hope to have your permission. :)

Good purchase, a good machine for a good photographer.


Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Mocat!
You have my permission, my friend, of course!
Always good to see a great photographers 'point of view'!
Yes, the camera is fantastic!
I feel like I went from kindergarten to the big school now.
I can only hope my photography itself will go the same way. ...
Big warm XXX!

Janny said...

Hoi Nadja
Bedankt voor je lieve reactie hé bij de Boeren Zwaluw ik was er zelf ook wel blij mee want het lukt niet altijd ze zijn zo razend snel maar ik had nu een heel mooi plekje in een doodlopende weg dus weinig verkeer
En ze vlogen af en aan
Jij bent ook nog heel druk bezig hé
mooi werk van je echt knap hoe je het allemaal doe
en ik zie dat je ook de 5D 11 heeft ik heb hem ook het is een heerlijke camera
ik ben er ook heel blij mee
Groetjes en een fijne avond en heel veel succes met je nieuwe camera
Groetjes Janny

Nadja said...

Ja, de 5D Mark II is echt een geweldige camera.
Men zegt dat hij lastig is als je echt snel moet scherpstellen, te traag.
Maar daar heb jij duidelijk weinig problemen mee! :-))
Echt goed gedaan die reeks!
Ik ben nog volop aan het oefenen maar heb er al veel plezier aan gehad.
Hartelijk dank, Janny!

Sinobjetivo said...

Una machine puissante,qui va te permettre travailler avec des hauts ISO. Une bonne election.
Grosse bises

Nadja said...

Yes, Dámaso, the higher ISO will allow me to have more freedom with choosing the settings, too.
With this dark weather in Belgium that's no luxury.
Thank you very much, my friend.
Big XXX!

raycho dimitrov said...

happy new camera!
good machine with more possibilities.
here is! It's a photo where I see differents-
power of details,lights and this lovely grey...
I"m glad as you told in first post, you are ok!
good new reportage-photos with a sculptor...


Nadja said...

Thank you, Raycho!
I had a whole lot of fun with the camera already.
I made so much photos, I can hardly keep up with editing them.
I need to practice to get used to it of course.
It goes better and better, quicker, less mistakes.
And the quality of the photos is wonderful.
Even with my cheap Canon 50mm F1.8.
I'm a happy little photographer now!
All I need is some models!
Big XXX again, my friend!
Always nice to hear from you!
Glad to see you are making so much FANTASTIC photos, too!
My admiration, as always.
And my love. :-))