Website of The Rattlekings:


Nadja said...

If you organise a party and you want to be sure it's a big success:
Ask the Rockabilly band 'The Rattlekings' to play!

See the links under the photos.
You can listen to some of their music on the site.

Unknown said...

hello i have less time for bloging, if you want i can send you my pictures...

Nadja said...

Hello Lila!
Yes, I read on your blog that you are a very busy woman.
I love the photos of you dancing so much!
I'm always happy to receive pictures of course!
I'm sorry for that question I asked, I know it's none of my business of course.
Thanks for the visit, Lila!

RandJ-Photo said...

This band has a really cool sound. I wish they were close to me.

Nadja said...

Yes, they did a cool performance, too!
It was a lot of fun to listen and watch!
They are, as they say on their website:
"All the way from Hoboken"
The original Hoboken that is, here in Flanders.
It was my first concert!
Hope I can make some better photos of them one day.
Thanks for the visit, RandJ!

Chagoll said...

Nadja, die oudere knapen zijn keigoed!

Nadja said...

Hallo, vader!
Goed om zien dat jij ook nog leeft, super oude knakker!
Inderdaad, die jongens rocken, he!
Ik hoop ze nog eens een keer te zien en horen, en fotograferen.
Bedankt voor je bezoekje!

Pierre BOYER said...

I love this picture...
Best regards,


Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Pierre!
I hope I can see this band again one day, they were really cool!