

Unknown said...

yes, Nadja...much more to love...;-)..than just her eyes!...

Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Alter Ego!
Glad to see you agree.

Unknown said...

of course I do!..;-)
give my regards to her!..:-)

Nadja said...

I did that last time you asked...
But, I heard you don't need help to give her your regards.
Sweet of you.

Unknown said...

uhhh..I can't hide myself anymore..;-)...haha....
did I tell you, that I'm jealous?!...;-)

Nadja said...

There is no hiding in this world, Alter, I know, I tried it for years...
Yes, you told me, but don't be jealous, just go out and find women to pose!
Or do like I did, mail everybody in your contacts list and ask if they want pose, or know somebody who would like to pose.
That's how I found my first volunteers.

Unknown said...

uhh...but I'm shy.....;-)..don'T laugh at me..hehe........
I try...in the meantime..I take a look at your shots to learn!...:-)

Nadja said...

I was shy, too!
It doesn't matter, just do it!
I'm glad you look at my photos, but if you want to learn about poses and so on, you better go look where I look!


I have a link to his page at the top of my blog list, at the right hand side of the page.

And have a look at more work from him here:
