Scanned darkroom prints. 


Leovi said...

Very nice tones, great and interesting portraits.

Nadja said...

Thank you so much!
These are so different for me.
So light with the wite walls and all.
I cannot get used to it untill now, and I feel very insecure about them.
I am still working in the darkroom.
I need to have 10 pictures for the assignment.
And I had just 1 roll of film...
It's tight. :-)
Thank you very much for the encouragement!

Nadja said...

So light with the WHITE walls I mean.
Sorry, I am not really awake very well I guess. "-/

raycho dimitrov said...

Ooo, this is amazing ...

Michael Rowland said...

It's nice to see photos of people, Happy New Year, If you have creative work, you don't have age or time.
M Canada

Nadja said...

Happy new year to you too Michael!
And for Raycho and Leovi too ofcourse!
That it may be a good photography year for us all! ;-)
Thank you!