Madame Zorah   "-))


Nadja said...

It's me, during working hours.

Colourit said...

Fantastisch alweer! Of je nu zwart-wit doet of kleur ... je bent een bezig bijtje dat heel creatief omgaat met fotografie! Ik hou van mensen die buiten de lijntjes durven kleuren.

Nadja said...

Bedankt Colourit!
Ik heb het ooit wel geprobeerd...
Maar, ik kan niet binnen de lijntjes kleuren, helaas! "-))

Anonymous said...

Do you read the future?

Nadja said...

No, no! I do not! :-))
And I am happy for it!
If we would know everything in advance...
Who would have the courage to go on...
Sometimes, when I am guessing at things,
I make a joke that I am Madame Zorah.
It's innocent. I am just good in guessing, sometimes.
I have to place a wink with the photo! :-))
Thanks for your visit, Robert!

erin said...

nadja, this is the shot. this is THE shot. wonderful. (and the next one too.)


Nadja said...

Thank you, Erin!
As I said to Robert:
I am really happy that I don't see the future.
Most of the trouble are predictable enough, anyway...