Nadja said...

Again an old one.
I have made this one as a test for a layers- series with the 'no model' photos.
But, I used another series to combine them with.
So this one didn't fit.
But I always liked this one.

temporal rooms said...

i like this one too.
it reminds me very much like a Man Ray. ~robert

Nadja said...

I heard that more often about my photos.
I guess the kind of 'solarisation' effect that I often use is the most responsable for that.
And of course, there is always the weird and surrealistic touch.
Thank you very much, Robert!
Big XXX!

Karina said...

Super idee en wat een gave uitstraling.
Vind je bewerking erg cool.
Vooral de bovenkant met de opening tussen de twee modellen.
Doet een beetje denken aan een relatie die op knappen staat maar waar hard aan gewerkt wordt om deze twee samen te houden.


Nadja said...

Ja, dat kan je dan vast zo zeggen ja.
De relatie tussen mezelf en mezelf.
Het gaat tegenwoordig best goed met 'ons.
Ik vond deze ook leuk maar ik had niet genoeg van die bikini foto's om er een reeks van te maken.
Hartelijk dank, Karina!

Sinobjetivo said...

Moi aussi je vois l'ombre de Man Ray. Je pense plutot que surréaliste l'image me sugére un intervention Dada, cherchant la provocación. En tout cas j'aime l'effet et le résultat.

Nadja said...

I just do, act on impulse, I guess that's me.
Only sometimes after I made something, I am wondering myself what the hell it could mean.
...! :-))
Sometimes it's obvious to me.
It's true that I don't care if it could be art or whatever.
If I think it's interesting and/or nice, that's enough for me.
Thank you very much, Dámaso!
Big XXX!

me said...

Life's a puzzle, isn't it ?! Great work !

Nadja said...

It is for me, Me.
And I was never good at puzzles.
I rather run on intuition.
You can imagine I took some wrong roads because of that.
Thank you very much, Me!