Nadja said...

An old one to show I'm still alive and crazy.
Still recovering from the flu.
So I have no new work.
This one is a big hit in my private Picasa album so I hope you"ll like it.
Yes, isn't that weird?
Private albums where no one has acces to, but me and the Picasa team are visited hundreds of times sometimes....
That's what private means on Picasa.
Anyway, I hope to have new work soon...
But it won't be in the next days I think.
I was working on a new set up for a new model series and it's not finished yet.

temporal rooms said...

we haven't forgotten you at all!

Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Robert!
I didn't plan on placing this photo.
But actually, each time I looked at it, I liked it more and more.
So here it is.
I have a bit more energy already.
Hope to do some work in the weekend.
Probably more crazy stuff.
Big warm XXX Robert, my friend!