

Nadja said...

Since I have no new work yet, I will show some more of the photos that I made for my work for the school exhibition.
I made a lot of photos of each model, so I still have some nice ones that I didn't show yet.

These are the works that I shall print in big size for the exhibition:


temporal rooms said...

each of your models have brought themselves to be in front of your lens. that is wonderful.

this capture is stunning. she is very beautiful.


Nadja said...

I think that most of the models thought it was a nice experience.
Even when I was very nervous... :-))
I'm happy for that.
Yes, A. is a very beautiful lady.
She has an oriental beauty.
Thank you very much, Robert!
Big XXX!

Pierre BOYER said...



Nadja said...

Yes, the lovely A.
Every photo I made of her was beautiful.
She was so easy to work with.
Thank you very much, Pierre!