

Pierre BOYER said...

I love this one....


Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Pierre!
Playing with layers, a great thing to do on the many Belgian rainy days.

Unknown said...

me too i like it

me said...

I too, continue with the 'like' !

Nadja said...

Thank you very much, Lila!
It's weird how the other photos I make, always seem to fit with the self portraits somehow.
Tell a story that fits.

Nadja said...

And thank you very muh, Me!
I love it when my blogger friends agree.
Especially in cases like this.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm think it's cheap. why did you stop with your old style? All the best Luc

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my bold reaction but i know you van do more, the b&W is nice but i am waiting for your "breakthrough" and that will happen, i hope. All the best

Nadja said...

Can you tell me what my old style is, Luc?
I sure as hell can't, not if this doesn't count...!
Look at the older pages.
What do you mean 'cheap'?
These photos cost as much as the others, nothing!
And if you can tell me what my 'breakthrough' should look like:
Just let me know!
You are still a real charmer, Luc!
It's a good thing that I love you...
Haha, see you!
Nice to hear from you!

Colourit said...

Ik vind de 'beweging' heel mooi. Er gaat iets mysterieus uit van deze foto. De andere foto's zijn zeker ook allemaal de moeite hoor.

Nadja said...

Bedankt, Colourit!
Ja, met beweging spelen blijft leuk, vind ik.
Ik wil zoiets ook wel eens met een ander model doen.
Hopelijk kan ik gauw weer eens een ander model fotograferen.
Ik lig al een hele tijd stil.
Maar nu ben ik eerst nog even aan het oefenen met de tweedehands Canon 5D mark II die ik zaterdag gekocht heb.
Zo goed als nieuw...
Wat een monster...! Zalig!

RandJ-Photo said...

I like these blendings of figure and mechanisms. This one especially and the previous one also. I think I preferred these two as my eye likes to have something to focus on.

Nadja said...

Yes, RandJ, I also like those two the best.
The portraits are already blurry because of the slow shutter speed so it's better that the backgrounds be really clear.
And with the last one you don't see what the 'background' subject is.
I used to draw and paint when I was young, and I still like to 'do' something more with the images.
As you already noticed, 'reality' is not my priority.
But, with the better quality images from the new camera maybe this could change a bit when I photograph models.
We'll see where it goes.
At least, when I find models again... seems it's model- vacation now.
:-)) Working on it!
Thank you very much, RandJ!
I appreaciate your opinion.