

Anonymous said...

Like a 1950's pin'up !
Warm kissess


Nadja said...

Yes, I thought that a couple of times when working on this series, too.
It's the combination of the outfit and poses and especially Marja's sweet smile, I think.

Thank you very much, Tomcat!
Big XXX!

Leovi said...

A very nice series!

Nadja said...

Ah, Leovi, maybe you feel a bit 'at home' with these bright colours, yes?
I thought it was a good idea to fight the cold of these days with Marja's warm smile and these warm colours.

Thank you very much, Leovi, glad to hear you like the series!

Zibo said...

Salut, Nadja, et à nouveau bravo, ta galerie est vraiment spéciale. Unique en son genre. Et les gens que tu donnes à voir attirent la sympathie et attisent souvent le désir.C'est toujours pour moi un agréable moment quand je me plonge dans ton monde tellement éloigné de l'univers de Bimbo sans âme qui est celui de la plupart de images sur lesquelles les gens se dévêtent, et où les mises en scènes savantes (?) de clair obscur et autres artifices gomment l'authenticité des femmes et des hommes. Je préfère les personnes de chez toi, et la manière dont tu les montres. Et j'aime beaucoup le joyeux et séduisant modèle sous laquelle j'écris ces lignes.
Guy Rougier

Nadja said...

Zibo, I'm so honoured to get this this good review from you.
Positive comments are always nice, but this one is extra special because of your background which shows in your writing, I think.
And what you write is completely what I try to achieve with my photos:
Photographing everyday people, people who are not exactly typical models, people of all ages and sizes, just nice people, the kind of people that make our society work.
There are enough photographers who concentrate purely on super beautiful and super young people, I want to do something different!
I love my models, and I admire them for the guts to dare to show themselves to the world as they are.
And yes, Marja is a wonderful lady, if only there were more people as warm and gentle and friendly as she is, this world would be a much nicer place.
I sure hope to work with her again once day!

Thank you very much, Zibo!
Big XXX!