I thought this was a good one for a Sunday...:-))Have a good Sunday, dear people!
I Agree !Very nice perspective...Tomcatleviolondingres@hotmail.fr
Like a little Sunday- prayer, isn't it.:-))Thank you very much, Tomcat!And XXX once more, my friend!:-))
MmmmmI think I'll come back to surch !!!!;-)Tomcat
Yes, the churches would get some more visitors again if more ladies like Inge would be there to pray, I bet!:-)))
Alléluia !!!!:-)Tomcat
:-))))And then there was light...
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I thought this was a good one for a Sunday...
Have a good Sunday, dear people!
I Agree !
Very nice perspective...
Like a little Sunday- prayer, isn't it.
Thank you very much, Tomcat!
And XXX once more, my friend!
I think I'll come back to surch !!!!
Yes, the churches would get some more visitors again if more ladies like Inge would be there to pray, I bet!
Alléluia !!!!
And then there was light...
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