

Ramon Pruneda said...

Pretty and nice model.
I like the composition, the model seems to expect the canvas to be immortalized in a painting. :)


Nadja said...

Well, that's a bit how I look at my photos, Moncat, I try to make little paintings of each one of them!
So, I hope I immortalised her in my own way...

Thank you very much, Moncat!
More to come, of course, much more to come!


Ramon Pruneda said...

No doubt you've immortalized the model, but if you work the compositions also, like this one, you get suggestive photos.


Nadja said...

I think that maybe I understand what you meant now.
It's like she wants to step in it, to become the canvas and the painting. yes?

Ramon Pruneda said...

Yes. When you add visual suggestion, interpretations can be many.

Nadja said...

Yes, as many interpretations as there are viewers, probably. That's what I love about it!
And that's what I love about your photos, too, Moncat! You are really good at capturing moments and situations that leave a lot for suggestion.
So cool!

Unknown said...

Thank You Moncat

Nadja said...

Ah, let me explain:
Fabian = Sabine, or, the husband of Sabine, or, the both of them, of course!

I can't wait to show more of the photos, Fabian!
But, you know that...


Ramon Pruneda said...

Fabian is very lucky.
Thanks for your explanation Nadja. ;)