
Daisy & Rudy May 2012


Nadja said...

A photo from an old series, May 2012.
It's still one of my favourite series! Even when it's still made with my Canon 1000D, and even if I had to use the cheap 18- 55mm zoom lens because I couldn't get both people in my frame with the 50mm on the attic.

I always wanted to show more of the photos because I only showed about 10 or eleven of the them at the time.

And since I still have no new work. I am still resting, a photography- vacation, let's say.
But I have hope that I can photograph this great couple, Daisy & Rudy, again soon.
Maybe next month!

See you!

Anonymous said...

Nice picture...
Lovely sexy Daisy....
We could imagine what'll happend !
Warm hugs...


Nadja said...

I love to photograph Daisy so much, she's great, sweet and funny and very sexy.
Same for Rudy, by the way! :-))

As I told Daisy last time I saw her: I hope to do a series with her or the both of them at least once a year!

Thank you very much, Tomcat!
Big warm XXX!

Daisy said...

Hoi meisy,

Dit is zalig om terug tezien.
Nu kan ik helemaal ni meer wachten om er nieuwe tedoen.
Moeten dringend terug afspreken...

Love it.
Dikke XXX

Nadja said...

Ah, Daisy!

Dat hoor ik zéér graag!!! :-))

Ik heb voorlopig zeer weinig plannen, veel vrije tijd.
laat maar horen wanneer jullie zouden kunnen en dan maken we er weer iets leuks van!

Met julie als model kan het nooit fout gaan.... Ik kijk er al naar uit!

Dikke XXX!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nadja,
Thanx for calling me sexy to:-)
And also Tomcat for seeing the beauty of my wife Daisy!
She loves comments like that. (And so do i)
So enjoy all the pictures so far and all that will come (if you get the same warm feeling as i do when seeing her, you'll enjoy it i think:-) )
Hope we will soon find the time for a new shoot. (Double and/or single).
Grtz Rudy

Nadja said...

You're welcome, Rudy!

You are a good and sexy model yourself, so, I hope for a duo- shoot!
One sexy model is great, two sexy models is even greater, so...
A girl can hope, right!?!

Of course, photographing your wife solo will make me really very happy again, too. By now I get withdrawal symptoms when the last shoot with her has been too long ago...


See you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Nadja,
I hoped that there where more (female) followers who leave there comments about me... Not that i am not proud of who i am but everybody likes to hear some positive things about themselves, don't they:-)...
Off course it's difficult to look at me when such a beautifull women is drawing all attention next to me!
But hey, maybe in the next shoot!
Rudy X

Nadja said...

Yes, Rudy, that's the curse of a male model on a duo shoot with a beautiful female model, I'm afraid.
The solo male models get less comments than the female models, too. I have more male followers than female, too, I think anyway.
But to my surprise, also the male models get a lot of pageviews, and that tells me that they like the photos of the men as well.
Maybe you should do a solo shoot one day, Rudy!
